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Make Region

WE SET goals fromRegional Social Progress Index that measures opportunities, foundations of well-being and basic needs. 

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 12.30.36 PM

- Communications: Julio Mateus (949129640) and Omar Taupier (980691643)
- Programmatic: Martín Gallardo (987808500) and Owan Lay (998608484)
- Territory and networks: Arturo Parra (966008705) and Edith Bautista (971415060)
- Affiliation, training and culture: Verónica Sifuentes (942834654) and Juan Carlos Ponce (991534945)
- Administration and finances: Juan Luis Salinas (969501404) and Corali Ormeño (956767625)
- Structure and legal: Diego Luna (997375459) and Rudy Bezir (986607163)

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